A few technique questions


New member
This is my first atempt on tin. Still working out the bugs on my form on this test mule. (note: this is not my original design.

Although the graphical elements aren't that intricate they are still difficult to mask out with fine tape so I used a transfer tape as mask and cut out.
Question 1: Is there an easier way. It is difficult to see the painted design below in lighter areas which leads to overlap or missed spots.

Question 2: Even with a light touch I sometimes cut through the paint into the metal. Any suggestions to rectify this?


Brian Dee

Super Moderator
Vettra,with what you have told us here,that's exactly why I bought a vinyl cutter. I suspect you are using blue fine line tape, right. Try a roll of Colad tape. It's half the mile thickness of the 3M. There is no creep back nor residue rransfer, and you can mask around a dime with it. It's also solvent resistant. You can get it from www.innate.com It yellow and comes in 1/8,1/4,3/8 As far as you cutting into the paint,well that just takes practice for it not to happen. Try taking two pieces of printer paper and try cutting the top sheet but not the bottom. Here's another little tip. I use scapel blades as they are so much sharper as the edge is honed. But the single edge blade and the hobby blades have a ground edges. The scapel blades are so sharp just the weight of the knife will cut throught the tape. So there ya go hope this will help.


New member
Thanks much for the feedback. I will get the tape and try the scalpel. I have been using the basic Xacto blades.

On an aside- as a newcomer to the custom painting field I have more questions than answers as it pertains to airbrush tips and techniques. That of course will change as I get more experience.

My background is video, 3D animation and morion graphics. (see website http://ftintermedia.com/) If anyone has questions on making better videos and such I will be more than happy to help.

Thanks again,


New member
I ordered the tape from Innate. I also saw something that really sparked my interest that you may have seen as well. The tank blanks. http://www.innate.com/Services/tanktins.htm I'll have some of those coming my way as well. Here is a quote from a customer on how he uses them- I think it is an awesome idea.

"For our higher end customers we'll discuss their paint job desires while showing off finished "Tank Blanks" and ask if they would like us to do a "Tank Blank" for their own. We can then show them exactly their new paint job will look like BEFORE we ever start! Needless to say, this makes for a VERY satisfied customer. Plus they have the option to purchase and keep the finished Original "Tank Blanks" as a personalized memento to hang in their office, rec room or workshop wall (or just to show off their newest paint job to their buddies)! If not purchased we'll use them in our displays!

Thanks for the tip on the site.


New member
Vinyl cutter

Brian- When you referenced "Vinyl cutter" were you talking about the machine that cuts vinyl?


Brian Dee

Super Moderator
Vettra,(Craig) a vinyl cutter is much like a printer but the difference is that it will cut out your designs for you, saves you hours of masking. Check out the Roland Gx 24. I use this one. A perfect size for my use. Glad you got hold of Innate. I dist his products in Canada for him. You will like those tank blanks. Their pretty cool. Great for customers,they usually buy them. Paint'em up and take them to a car show or a show and shine and you'll sell'em all. Some guys will customize them to. Hehe, you can even eat your cornflakes outta them. You'll like the Colad tape to. Have fun bud.
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New member
Yes Liquid Spray Mask by Bob Dively I think. Spray very wet or it's hard to get back off. Very easy to cut through. Drys transparent. No adhesives to clean off.