A question to you car guys... Flaming a Corvette


Tenacious C

Here's a question for you car guys, my neighbors want me to do a flame job on their Corvette. The vette is white and they want pearl ghost flames. I was thinking of just scuffing the surface with a scotch-brite pad and then shoot the flames with SG100 intercoat clear and the pearl mixed in.
I'm concerned about the length a time between the time I shoot the flames and they get cleared for adhesion. I don't have a booth large enough for a car so I would need to have another shop shoot the clear.

Scuffing the flames for adhesion would ruin the pearl won't it? Maybe I should go about this a whole different way. I dunno, I've never done a whole car so I'm not sure what would be the best way to do it...


New member
I have to ask if you intend on clearing the entire panels you are going to flame or are you just going to clear the actuall flame itself?The reason I ask this is because if you only clear the flames,you will have a a major tape line that you will not be able to get rid of.If you intend on clearing the entire panel you flame,you will be able to bury the lines under the clear and have alot better looking job.Now that being said,you shouldnt have any problems with the incoat clear/pearl if you do indeed clear over it in a timely fashion.After you spray the pearl,go over it again with straight incoat clear abd that will give you something to lightly scuff if need be.I also must add that paintwork is not an exact science and there are sveral ways to get there from here,the above is just one way to get there......good luck