Air Compressors


New member
Hey all-
I'd like to get your feedback on the specs for the air compressors that you use. My relatively new one just went out on me so I need to scramble and replace it.



New member
what do you do exactly?. i use a john deere 185 deisel for sand blasting. i also have an 18 cfm unit for in the shop for painting.if you do only bikes you can use a little 2 horse unit. give us some details and i'm sure we can get you on the right track. cyas


New member
I will be doing custom work on helmets and bikes. Nothing really larger then fairings and side bags.

The most work I will need it to perform is putting out enough good coinstant pressure for these areas of base and clearcoats.

Have no desire to get into anything like cars and such.



New member
Well still, putting your money in a good compressor now will only result in more opportunitys later! I'm using a 5.5hp 150L compressor, that delivers up to 9bars of preassure.. this will drive anything i ask it about in my whole garage. and keep a constant preassure at about 7bars if i do sandblasting, or just spraying air..

The step from a 2hp 50L tank, to the one i'm using.. it might be 150-300 dollars more expensive.. but the difference you get.. i mean wow! And so, you don't need to get the best brand out there..


New member
Check the air consumption specs of your spray gun and air tools, then buy a compressor that has enough airflow to run your equipment without the compressor running non-stop. Basically buy the biggest compressor you can afford.