Airbrush Angle question.


New member
Hi Folks,
While reading the "how to's" regarding ghost flames, I see that the airbrushed pearls are shot "toward the flame edge".
My question is this, does that mean you are holding the airbrush in the center of the flame and shooting towards the edge, or does it mean shooting from outside the flame towards the flame edge and the overspray would go towards the middle of the flame?
I hope I made myself clear.
Can anyone answer this for me?
thanks very much,


if you're wanting to do ghost flames or most types of shadows Yes, the spray from the airbrush should be half on/half of the tape edge and at a slight angle toward the middle of the pattern so it kinda fades in the center. That's basicly how it's done just keep practicing with different angles and distances from the work surface


New member
Thanks DenB.
That's what I kinda thought, from the outside inward. I have a tank and fenders to do ghost flames on but the customer wants them almost invisible. This will be tough because if I lay down the pearl so I can see it, I'm already too heavy. Know what I mean?
I'll just have to go by the wet area and if I find errors after removing the tape I can just tape off the segment again and repair.
Much obliged,