I have used different brands throughout a paint job and had no problem, BUT, on the other hand, if you are not for sure, I would suggest being a little more specific and possibly we can help (i.e HOK sealer with PPG basecoat, and UC35 over the PPG base). I haven't sprayed some of the paint lines for quite awhile, as I'm sure they've changed througout the years. I remember the days when Dupont used to use a "basemaker" which had an additive in the reducer that helped make the clear adhere to the base....I don't think they use that anymore?!
I've sprayed Sikkens, Glasurit, Dupont, HOK, PPG, Alsa...and some can be used under/over others, and some cannot
I still like the HOK and PPG, but I know alot of other painters like Dupont.