automotive vs motorcycle paint products


New member
Is there a difference between paints the automaker use and the paints that are from say a company like kustom kolor.
I see a lot of candy colors from them and was wondering if there is a difference in a "candy" color.
I have found 2 colors I would like to use that have color codes for autos.



New member
Yes, the original auto paint on your car is very different than the "Kustom Kolor" product. Kustom Kolor's products are all lacquer based aerosols or enamel based touch up products. They have been discountinued by the way so if you decide to go with that you may not be able to get it in the future.

If you found some color codes you like you can have your local auto paint store mix them up for you. Sometimes they can put them in an aerosol for you.


Staff member
Not only are those not available, but in the near future you will see MAJOR changes in the House of Kolor products.