Hi I just happen to live in the same town as Steve Martinas the custom painter that put together Bag-o-flames and then sold the rights to HOK he was being sent all over the world teching for HOK he's a real great kinda guy and has shown me some of my best tricks of the custom trade.
just a little info there! a round here O back 4 1/2 years or so you could see a desplay of them going down the street but you would allso here the big boys saying something like there not actrully custom when they come out of a bag, I don't know if you get the Drive megazine there but you can most likely find some picks
in a few of them. if you can paint then you might try it any ways whats $29.00 HOK price it's pennys !!
good luck you might give Steve a call tell him Anita sent you to his door he is in Martinas Ca. area code 925