When shooting flames, could anyone give me some advice on whether using a Base-coat for the flames or what I hear is called top-coat paint. I have my "base-coat" shot on my tank, it's PPG Deltron 2000 Black. I'm lookin to shoot the flames in a deep Blue/ Purple, semi-ghost, lil' stand-out, if ya know what I mean.In other words, not super reduced and mixed with blending clear. Should I just pick out a "standard color" off the fan deck? or would they mix a base-coat color, lets say a deep blue, and then maybe add some purple pearl to that to give me a colorshifting effect? Keep in mind my base-coat is acrylic-urethane PPG. I know about Duponts ChromaLusion Paints , but can't see droppin that kinda cash, besides they only sell it in quarts ranging from about $200.00 to $500.00 bucks, that's crazy.Bottom-line is I just want a nice deep blue/purple acrylic urethane to shoot my flames with. Any input much appreciated. PS> I'm gonna clear my bike with PPG DCU2021. Thanx Again and Happy Holidays.