best clear for beginners



What would be the easiest clear for a beginner to use for small body parts (tanks and fenders) I bought a hypercure chroma clear from dupont and a slow activator but I seem to be getting alot of solvent pop. should I try a different brand? or do I just need to practice, practice, practice? Thanks for all the info Ive read so far. I posted a few questions in the tips section (Sorry) I didnt read the big red type saying not to do that. I wont do it again /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif


New member
I only use 7500s, and have had good luck with it. It seems easy to use, flows out well, and has good build. It recommends two coats, but I always put at least three, since I wetsand it and don't want to break through.


New member
How big is the tip in your gun?I've been reading your posts and wonder if the tip is too big since you said you had to pour it on to get it to lay flat.If this is the case pretty much any clear is going to pop on you until you get the gun set up to attomize the clear.


the gun is a generic HVLP as far as I can tell, it has a 1.5 tip in it, and the history of the gun, is my father bought it about 5-6 years ago for around 45.00 and it has had laquer enamels, etching primer and now clear put throught it. so its old, cheap and a 1.5 tip. would it pay for me to get a DeViliss? and if so should I get a gravity or a HVLP. I have plenty of air supply so thats not an issue. the local store here has the finish line with a 1.4, 1.6 & 1.8 tips for $129.00.


That 1.4 tip sound great for bc/cc. I prefer a 1.3. Use that 1.4 tip and shoot that clear so it looks wet, but don't let it run. Keep your fan tip wide, that could help.
I used chroma clear for a long time with great success. I now prefer HOK UC-35, it flows great.
The devilbiss (I've heard) is a great entry gun. I doubt you'll be dissapointed. Get the HVLP if you got the air source.
Good Luck


Hey voodoosurfer try using a high solids clear from one of the big brands like ppg/glasurit/dupont or my favourite sikkens autoclear-plus.
the high solids may cost a bit more but to get solvent pop in it ,you really have to pour it on way too heavy ,that it would run and sag all over the place anyway....
High solids means less solvents and more actual resinous materials in the paint ,, so it is thicker and takes a bit of getting used to ,, but it does dry slower and flows out with out the solvent pop. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cheers.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cheers.gif