Black candy over red metallic?


New member
has anyone tried this. this is on a car. I want as close to a black look until the sun brings out red highlights on the panel edges curves etc. Any info would be great. Would I get the same effect with a black metallic base and a red candy?


What you'll need to do is spray the complete car black. Then you'll need to either use an airbrush or a small spray gun and spray the edges that you want to have highlighted when the sun hits it. The brighter you spray the color, the brighter the overall color will be.
If you sprayed a silver, they will stand out quite a bit. You might want to use a medium red metallic for the edges.

Once you do this, then you need the coat the complete car with candy red. This will give you a black base in the sun (you may have a few red sparkles on your base due to your overspray when you highlighted your corners).
Your edges will now stand out nicely in the sun.
Be sure and do a test panel first to make sure you get the results you want. Maybe find a dented up fender at a local bodyshop to test on.


New member
Candy red over black will give you the look you're after. It will appear black but you will see a hint of red.Now start applying your candy paint. This takes usually 3 to 10 coats depending on the look your going for. The hard part about candy paint is that if you don't have even overlap it can looked striped. Be sure and do a test panel first to make sure you get the results you want. Maybe find a dented up fender at a local body shop to test on.


New member
Black over any paint will result in black. It's dominant. It can be used to fade from say candy black cherry to black. Maybe used on the front clip. It could be used on the front clip over an entire base of say silver for a candy, then it would give the front clip a darker look. Imagine a 49 Ford Coupe, sprayed in the base color then the nose and tops of the fenders are sprayed black, sparyingly, use a detail gun with the paint pickup screw turned way down. Black paint reduced down is not black candy, I tried it. Try some black with your candy color on a test panel. A little is a lot here. Blue candy with black cherry on the nose/fenders after your black cherry paint. Something a little different there. not just a straight black cherry. Black cherry is awsome, black cherry with downtones, really awsome. This will only be noticed in the bright lights. Certainly a ***** to repaint.

der devil

New member
go for a good black then a light coat of fine silver pearl your find this will work well do a speed shape first to get the shade right. a good black to use wud be hok bc25 hope this helps :luck:


New member
I realize this is an old post but other's might be interested so I'll toss another way to do it into the hat. Paint it black first, then come back with SG100 mixed with about 10% of a white pearl in an airbrush and highlight the areas you want red highlights on. Put this on very light just like you would doing ghost flames, then come back with your gun and shoot two coats of the candy red over it letting it blend out on the edges, then come back and shoot your clear coat.


New member
Ha this is funny b/c I was looking to do the samething, only I am going to try clear mixed with reduced black so it's not so thick when it goes into the clear. I shot my taillights last week and noticed that when the sun hits it at a certain angle you can still the the red in the taillights, thats when it hit me. I have a candy red motorcycle and was like "Hmmmm I wonder what would happen if I shot my bike with this same method if it would look the same", anyways I got a small piece I can try it out on and take pics when I'm done and post them.

I'll keep you informed.


New member
Signed up just to look at stuff on here, but I figured I'd throw a quick post up..

Found this pic when I was researching shooting candy for the first time... minimal candy over black base should light up in the sun like this:


Too many coats of candy and it'll actually turn the color of the color of the candy.. but just enough and the sun will bring out the candy color, leaving it black otherwise. Should be what you're looking for. Make sure to experiment before shooting for real.


New member
I think clucth1 made it right. First, you have to coat the whole car with black then tri tone it with the color you like.


New member
Clutch, that looks like green pearl to me.Getting that much "pop" out of candy over black is almost impossible (believe me, I've spent a lot of time trying !!!)


Couple of things to add...for chino....using regular black, you'll have to be carefull how much you put over the red, as black paint is really opaque and doesn't let a lot of the base shine though if you put on too much. Black candy is specially formulated to be transparent, so you can see though it.
Also, putting any color candy over regular solid black doesn't give a lot of effect. You need some pearl, or metallic or flake in the black to let the light bounce off it and shine through the candy to show the color better.


New member
How about black then add a little red ice pearl. It will look black until the sun hits it.... then it sparkles like crazy in the sun.