blue candy looks purple


New member
Black base, followed by white pearl, followed by blue candy. finish product leaves a purple hue. I want to keep it blue. Using Martin Senour sapphire blue candy. Do I need to adjust the candy to a lighter blue or do I need to use a dark grey base. Looking for the results to be black, with the blue coming through in the sun....


Staff member
I really don't know what else to mention to get you that effect except what I mentioned on your previous thread about this.
Black base, coat of metallic (not white pearl), then blue candy.
Black with a coat of blue pearl (very light blue pearl), no candy.
Both of the above will give you a black base out of the sun, but a very dark blue in the sun.

The lighter you make the base i.e the more bluer your color will turn if you end up putting candy blue over it.


New member
I tried metallic and pearl, but they both left a purple hue. I didnt know if it was because the black was too black or if the candy was purple. Thanks for the help TAZ


Staff member
I've never used the Martin Senior paint, but I do know that HOK candy blue over black also gives it a purple hue to it.
I know you mentioned that you did use the 'pearl', but did you just use black with the blue pearl toner over the black, no candy over it?


New member

Well I'm thinking the candy is no good. Here is a piece i sampled today...gray base...looks VERY purple. This is getting aggravating.

I was wanting to use candy to give the job some depth...but if I have to do a black base with a blue pearl over it so be it... How many coats of blue pearl should i expect to need?


Staff member
I was thinking at the beginning that you almost wanted to achieve a very dark blue, almost black. Since you just want a dark candy blue, I would suggest getting a dark blue (very close to the color you want overall). Get this in a fine metallic to cut down on that sparkle you said you didn't want. Then add a couple coats of the candy blue. This should do the trick for you.

Before you do this, take a paint stick and dip it in the candy blue color you would be using. Take it out in the bright sunlight while it's still on the paint stick. Look at it at different angles. If you still see the purple tint to it, then you need to go with another candy blue from a different mfrg like HOK Cobalt Blue


New member
Talked to the supplier today...hes going to get me a new mix of candy...says it is more like a "superman" blue...less violet. Hopefully this solves the problem! many coats of pearl are typically required. On the test pieces even after 2 coats it seams like there are a lot of gaps between the pearls....

Why does HOK have to be so **** expensive!...I like their black pearl midnight blue!
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