Cant seem to get intercoat to lay flat



Does anyone else have this problem? Im using the HOK intercoat and seems like it just doesnt want to lay right. when I follow with base does intercoat have to be perfect and smooth? Or can I just scuff it and move on to the base and clear?


New member
Are yu talking really knarly and peeled or it just won't lay like a baby's butt?A normal peel won't matter but if it's really knobly it could show in metallics and pearls.If you're reducing it to spec try a little more reducer or slowing it down within reason,if that doesn't help you could be using too big a tip to spray it.


It just seems like a dry spray. I thought it would lay like a clear? I know intercoat is like a base but for some odd reason I thought it would lay like a clear. Also how long should you let it dry before adding another color? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cheers.gif


New member
It will act more like base than top clear so you either need to go a little heavier on your coat or adjust your reducer to let it flow more.6" is a good gun distance so if you're farther away it will do it too.Not sure the dry time on HOK so check the tech sheet,I'm thinking 1/2 hr but not sure.


Cool, Ill give some of that a try next time. My gun distance is about 6" but Maybe I need more flow. Anyway thanks again!