Chemical Paint Stripper



I forget the exact name of it since it's been so long since I've used the chemical stripper, but I belive it was just called 'aircraft stripper'.

Pretty nasty to work with.

I don't know what you are stripping, but you may want to just try finding a place to 'media-blast' whatever you are stipping. Parts run about $30 each, or a car runs about $400.
if you are doing a car, be sure and duct tape all jams so the paint does not get blasted, or the same goes if you are chemically stripping.


i've used Jasco paint stripper befor it works
good burns like hell if it gets on you. you can
get it at home depot.



New member
I just completed stripping a set of tanks and fenders using Jasco, I belive it works as good as Aircraft Stripper and cost a bit less. It's a long and dirty process ( I had two coats of paint on )so you may be wise to take Scotts advise and get them blasted if you can afford it If you decide to do it yourself, make sure you use a DA and scuff up the clear coat with 80 grit. It gives the stripper a little tooth to hang onto. The clear coat is hard as nails.......Have fun and Good Luck......Mo