Choice of HOK colors for claasic flames?



I'm going to do some classic yellow-orange-red flames on a black background. I'm hoping using HOK pearls gives me the look I'm after. I've planned to get HOK sunrise pearl, sunset pearl and magenta pearl.

Is this a combination any of you guys use? Anyone care to sharte what colors they use to make the basic 3 color fade you see on black? Guess I'm getting nervous before I make the order.


New member
For traditional flames i use a white ground coat with a touch of yellow, then i shoot Chrome yellow over that, highlighted with candy tangerine Kandy Koncentrate mixed with SG100( a little concentrate goes along way) then outline it in blue. this method can be modified by putting blue or red in the tips of the flames before outlineing.


New member
I like the combo of sunrise pearl, tangelo pearl with ultra orange pearl at the tips with a bright blue pinstrip

Also some lite use of Kandy Koncentrates works well too! a little cheaper to use Kandy Kons then to buy at that orange paint, if that's any help.


Thanks for all the recipes guys. I'm shooting for a look just like the Signature Series #008.
I love the pearl look.

Also, I've heard that using a gray for drop shadows works better than pure black. Since I'll have black for my base color, would it be a good practice to mix the black with a little clear to make it more subtle for my drop shadows?

kustom paint workz

torque pick up the latest issue of super rod magazine its got a step by step on flame painting, flame history and the flames done seem to be just what your looking for. the step by step has all the colors your talking about. If i can find the mag I'll post all the colors for you. BTW the mag has a flamed mustang on the cover


Ah jeez, Went out to try and score the Super Rod Magazine and once I did find a place that carried it, they'd already changed over to the August issue.


New member
Hey Torquewrench,

The Bookland just off I-24 in Murfreesboro has that magazine. I saw it there this morning. You might want to call around and see if any of the Bookland stores in Chatttanooga has it. If you can't find it in Chattanooga shoot me an e-mail (sorry,no) and I'll see if I can get you a copy.


EDIT-no emails please,this has been covered repeatedly so please read the rules of the board.I understand missing it but the rules are no emails and websites that are a conflict of interest to Scott's buisness.


PS. welcome to the board