chopper daves bike



id like to spray a scoot like chopper daves bike that was one motorcycle mania two its red with big flake in it like a bass boat any ideas?


New member
Just load all the paint with big dry flakes. I painted a lawnmower and tried to get the same effect. I used too small of flakes but it still turned out ok. I used gold flake in the clear over metallic green flames.



I shot a friends car something like your talking about. I shot a red base then mixed 1 paintgun cup with 2 oz. big red flake and clear. I shot the clear at about 12" from the body to fan out the flake, you must do this in large single swipes so that you don't concentrate the flakes in overlap areas. Unless you have a mixing cup. Then I layed down 3 more straight coats of clear. It stayed just like the sport boats do. Good luck!