clear coat problem



Has anyone ever had problems with the clear lifting after shooting graphics over clear. I am useing PPG DBC paints and 2021 Clear.

big stinkie

I use PPG 2082, did some flames on top of the clear with PPG metallic, didn't like the design, though. I used reducer to wipe them off. I've done it before with no problems. Unfortunately this time the clear bubbled up where the flames were, as if I had used paint stripper. Several of the folks on the board said that the clear probably hadn't cured long enough. They suggested letting the clear sit for 2-3 days first. Might be what happened to your project. If you find out the answer let us all know.


New member
I'd say the clear was still a little fresh,how long did you wait and did it air dry or was it cooked?


I let it air dry for about 24 hours. after doing it over it took ok but now I have another problem. After I layed on my graphics and started pulling the tape, a small amount of clear peeled off with the tape. I used the blue 1/8" fine line and the green masking tape. Never had this problem before. The temp is about 68 to 70 degrees and the humidity is about 50%. I used PPG 2021 clear with DT 870 reducer and wiped the surface down with degreaser before the base and clear was shot. Sprayed the first light coat and waited about 15 min for it to flash then shot a wet coat. Any help would be appreciated cause Im about to start beating my head against the wall.


New member
The clear was definately fresh under those circumstances,2021 dries slow if it isn't baked.The peeling spots could be a few things,either the first clearing wasn't sanded well in that spot or it could be the base gassing out if it was pushed before clearing so adhesion was compromized since it should have had time to totally dry.


New member
There should only be one hardner for the clear,DU61(I think the letters are wrong),but I believe you can still use the real fast DFX7.The previous 2020 and 2001 had the temp range hardners.I just thought of something though.You said you degreased the base before clearing.What did you use?I rarely touch the base but if I must wipe it down I use the DX320,the 330 is too slow drying and I'm thinking maybe the base sucked some of it up and it was cleared before it all evaporated.That could have caused the peeling under the tape.


You can use DFX11 with the 2021. The mixing ratio is 4 parts clear 1 parts DT reducer 4 parts DFX11. DU61 is way to slow for use in the garage. Dry time for DFX11 is about 10 to 15 minutes.


Clear was definately too fresh, and the basecoat reducer, especially when applied wet, will lift the fresh clear everytime!


New member
Ah,you're using Supercharger.Unfortunately all bets are off with that stuff.My next guess if it wasn't any of the previous ones is you're trapping enough solvents to slow down the dry time but not enough to solvent pop.Have you tried 2042?It dries quicker and still lays down nice.Another problem I didn't see before is the light first coat,don't do it.HOK and older paint systems used the tack coat but if the product bulletin doesn't say to use one don't because that can cause adhesion problems.If you put it on light make sure it's covered and smooth with no dry spots and don't wait so long until the next coat because it's going to flash quick.The string test is the best way to tell when to put another coat on.You can still use the warmer DU hardners in the clear along with DFX11,but DCX 61 is the best hardner to use if the temp is over 60.Anything below that chemical crosslinking turns to crap so I won't spray under 60.Have you ever tried accelerator?A bottle goes a long way and you'll save money buying 61 over the 11.It doesn't dry as fast as the 11 and you have to measure the amount you put in,too much by doing the old 'a splash is enough' can yellow the edges but it is an option to avoid this happening again.Your reducer selection sounds right but it's hard to tell not knowing how much airflow you have going over the parts.In my booth at that temp I'd have thrown a splash of 885 in with the 870 to make it dry quicker before it started to cured.Sounds backwards but it really isn't.