Coco Powder Pearl


New member
I plan to paint the upper half of my 1965 GMC with Coco Powder Pearl from HoK and I was wondering which color you would use underneath? I was thinking about a gold base color and then do my graphics in Rootbeer Kandy and Tangerine Kandy.


I have been a custom painter since day one with just about 17 years in the business and its the most fun you can have each and every day.


Staff member
Personally, I would probably choose a medium to darker brown type base. I don't think I'd do the pearl over it though.
I'm not too familiar with the Coco (Cocoa?) pearl so I can't say for sure. I would just invision a darker type color (maybe even a solid color) as the main color. Then add the graphics on top of that.


Staff member
By the way, welcome and glad you are enjoying custom painting