color fade pinstripes



color fade pinstripes

i saw a flamed hot rod a while back with the best pinstiring i have ever seen.
it was done with a striping tool {as it was perfect in constant width} but the trickest part of it was that it would fade from one color to the next, perfectly. i have racked my brain for awhile trying to figure out how it was done. i know pinstriping is very hard to get perfect with a striper and takes alot of practice but how did they fade back and forth with about 6 different colors?
i thought maybe you could load the striper with different colors, but how would you keep it from mixing together in the chamber. i have not tried this yet to seeif that is what they did, but that is the only one i have seen like that.


New member
Re: color fade pinstripes

This is just my 2 cents worth, but if I had to guess, I would say they maksed off their flames a little larger than they normally would. Then from there they sprayed the stripe colors and faded them together inside the masked flame. Now on top of the faded colors they lay maybe a 1/8 or 1/4" fine line (hence the constant width all the way through) protecting the faded stripe color and continued to spray the main flame color inside that.

I have done some jobs like this when my striper is too busy to help me out. Works pretty good, and saves me $150-200 that I would normally have to pay him. I've seen people do fades with brushes, and they look good, but obviously nothing as smooth or gradual of a change as if you spray them. Hope this helps!!



Re: color fade pinstripes

i am still almost positive it was done with the striping tool. if you got super close you could see the thickness of the stripe, and when the color faded, it looks like the paint would of had to of been still wet as there were no droplets normally visible with a color fade.
it changed colors about every 24".
i am still learning to do the pinstriping and it can be very difficult to do , especially when you do over lapping , different color stripes on flames {which was my first try at it, came out good but it took forever and lots of mistakes the got scraped off}
i think next time i will try the process you talked about. i have seen it on some cars and it can come out really nice and consistent.
maybe i will just try loading a couple different colors in my striper and see if it works. maybe if you purge all the air from the chamber, it won't try to mix together.