Custom painting videos



Has anyone viewed any of the custom painting videos that are out there? How much help do they offer, and are they worth $30-$40 per video? Which one is best, and where is the best place to buy one? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shrug.gifthanks

Ultra Al

New member
I enjoyed Vince Goodeve's Painting Motorcycle Tanks and Vince's Motorcycle Murals videos. If you buy two from you get twenty bucks knocked off Al


New member
Jon Kosmoski's videos "Cycle Flame Painting" & "Kameleon Kolors Made Easy" really helped me when I first started. It was very helpful because I had never shot paint before and I had also never seen it done in person, so it gave me a feel for how to at least hold the gun and squeeze the trigger etc. Plus you can rerun it until it is clear in your mind what you are going to be doing and what you should be looking for.


New member
Vince Goodeve's videos are excellent for airbrush enthusiast.
Craig Faiser shows a lot of different techniques and his series is well worth the money.

Kozmoski's videos are very thorough and get into depth about painting techniques. He loves to repeat things and pound it into your head. I would start out with his tapes and advance to some of the others.

Those are about all I've gotten to watch and my recommendations. Coast Airbrush has a real good deal on videos. 4 for a $100 I believe...

Flamethrower said it best about getting to see someone do the actual motions. I read a custom painting book before watching any videos and it didn't really sink in from reading, but seeing the videos made the book make sense.
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I'm new to painting. I spent a few hours this afternoon getting used to my airbrush. I have Kosmoski's video about flames on order. I hope it's as good as you say. I want to do ghost flames on a helmet.