detail gun / clear problem


New member
I purchased a HVLP deatil touchup gun to do my first and only bike paint job. It painted fine on with marbelizer and some Orian silver base but I can't get the clear to go on smooth. It appears to not be putting down enough paint. I am getting a lot of bumps no fill in or flow. It came with a 1.0 tip. Is this a large enough opening? Any other suggestions? I mixed the HOK UC 35 clear per instructions then added candy concentrate to it, more reducer? You can mix candy concentrate with this can't you?



Dakota - That is a fine tip for clear - although it will shoot it. I've got a small detail gun that's mage by the same company that makes the Geo - Mine has a 2.0 tip on it and I have to go slow with it -

Try opening her up to shoot more clear - and give it a nice spray pattern - maybe 4 inches - When you're shooting your piece try to be about 4 - 6 inches from it - use the glare of the light to see how she's sprayin - if it doesn't flow good - slow down on your passes. Overlap at least 1/3 of your previous coat. I noticed when I got my HLVP I had to go twice as slow - Patience....

Good luck --- Bones!~


1.0 is a bit small for most clears. If your clear is reducable, try adding a SMALL amount more reducer. If your clear is NOT reducable, then try to go a bit slower and overlap a little more.