Does HoK make a white flake?


Scott Gardner

I'm going through my House of Kolor chip book, trying to pick out the colours for my next custom job. I'ts going to be an Italian flag motif on a Ducati (green, white and red). I've decided on the Red Flake and Green Flake, but the white has me stumped. I want to use a flake paint for all three colours, but their closest thing to white flake is the Abalone flake, which seems to have a pinkish/bluish cast to it.</cr>
I think I could use their white ice pearl over a white base, but the particles in the ice pearls seem smaller than the flakes for the red and green.</cr>
So my question is, has anyone ever used the Abalone flake over a white base? Is the result noticably off-white, or would it pass for white?</cr>
Scott Gardner


I just looked at my HOK book and the albalone looks like it has a gold sparkle to me. Try white ice pearl over white base or a pearlized white base. Go to and buy the pearls in 1oz. jars. The ice runs about $30.