epoxy primer and etch primer?



just wondering what the difference is between the 2? reason i ask is i have some decals on my tank, so i plan on stripping it to the metal and i've read i then need to prime and seal before i throw on the base coat. is that right? Oh while i'm on the subject, what product should i use to strip off the paint? i know i read it in an old thread but i couldn't find it.



New member
To answer your question etch primer is very thin and only for an etch of the surface and a high zinc content for corrosion protection.Epoxy is thicker for a little filling and a good ground coat,and some have a good zinc content so as long as the metal is etched good you can just go epoxy.What I do in your instance is use 80grit on a da to get the decal off and then smooth it out with 180grit and use a primer surfacer for filling.When it's dry block it down level and throw a few more on for the final sanding and sand and paint.


thanks rex. that saves me a lot of hastle as i was a little worried about stripping off all the paint /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bigokay.gif thanks
