Exhaust Fan?


New member
I am setting up my garage out back to be a paint booth. It is a 12' x 24'. My question is do I need to get an explosion proof exhaust fan or is there another way I can go?



New member
I use a squirrell cage type fan out of a furnace and It hasn't exploded yet. I got it for free and I have it mounted directly to the cinder block wall of my garage. You can look here to get an idea of what I'm talking about http://tinyurl.com/2ee3a9


New member
barn fans work good too.and not to costly.dont forget you have to let air in as well.i made a door frame to slip in the door hole and put furnace filters in it.i did have to wet the floor in front of and behind the filters.wet the filters too.if it starts getting thick in there stop spraying and let the fan catch up a bit.good luck
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New member
I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier. There is a better, and safer way. You should be using positive pressure. This is done by using the squirrell cage fan to blow INTO the booth. It should blow through a filter into the booth, you also should have a filtered exhaust opening on the other side of the booth. Your exhaust opening should be larger than the inlet. This will be pushing dirt and dust out of your booth, not ****ing them in. Your fan isn't exposed to the explosive paint fumes this way, and your fan will last much longer as it is only seeing clean air. I hope this helps.


New member
how I set mine up is I picked up a 48" barn fan and mounted into the wall blowing in (positive pressure) then I made a filter box that funneled the incomming air.


New member
Another t hing you can look for is a fan for a grain elevator. Might be a little cheaper then an explosion proff but will work just as good. But I would suggest playing it safe and getting yourself and explosion proof fan