fiberglass boat


New member
I am fixing and repainting a fiberglass boat (Dorie) that has been repaired many times in the past. It has been down through the rapids of the Grand Canyon and from the amount of repairs has hit 1/2 the rocks down there. What I have done is repaired the holes with new fiberglass and sanded the whole thing down. Now it is a combination of new glass and old paint. Laquer thinner does not seem to affect the old paint as far as wrinkeling it. My question is weather to use some epoxy primer on the new glass and then use KO Seal 11 over the whole thing or just use KO Seal 11 over the new glass and everything else. I would use epoxy primer over everything but teck sheet says not to apply over old paint. Will KO Seal be alright over new fiberglass or would epoxy primer be alright over old sanded paint?
Thanks for any help you might offer


If you are just looking to get a fair paint job out of it, you can just spot prime some areas, then paint it.
If you are looking to get a real good job out of it, I would suggest priming the complete boat, then do a good sand job. Then you may have to spot prime any bad areas.
Once you have it ready to paint, once it's in the booth, spray some sealer, then the base or single stage paint. You may even want to spray a hard paint like Imron.
Use the sealer that has the same 'shade' as the paint you are applying over it.
If you are spraying a 'solid' red, or yellow, use a white sealer.


New member
Thanks Taz. That is the conclusion I cane to also. Prime the whold boat, use HOK's sealer, white, then Katchme Copper pearl with clear over it, On the bottom and up the bow and stern I am taping off a design and coming back after sanding of course with Zolatone in an Emerald Green color. Should look cool. I was originally concerned about putting epoxy primer over some of the existing old paint.
Thanks again