Finished my bike!!!


New member
First off, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this great forum. And a special thanks to those who answered all my newbie questions.
I would never have been able to do this, my first paint job without this place.
I have taken so much from this forum, I just wish their was a way I could give back something. Maybe someday I'll be able to help someone in some small way.

I just finished my bike and swapped my tins this weekend. I think for my first painting experience, it turned out awesome. I hope sometime in the near future to maybe try something a little more on the custom side, on the tins that I took off.
Any suggestions for a new custom paint job that a newbie could handle would be appreciated. I don't want to get into something over my head. At least I won't be constricted with a time factor as these are a spare set of tins.

So now to show off my handy work. Please don't hesitate to give any constructive criticism.

Again I want to say a BIG THANKS

OH I forgot to mention, don't pay any attention to the silver side covers. This is the color the bike was. I have new chrome covers on their way to me.
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Absolutely beautiful paint job! Looks like you did it right all the way through.
Always makes those long hard hours worth while.
Enjoy it!
Great job!



New member
Your attention to detail is apparent. So many times first-timers get tired at the end of a long job. You stuck with it until the end. Your finish can't get much better. :cheers:
As far as your next job, I wouldn't worry about getting in over your head. You will learn more and learn faster when you make mistakes. The mistakes won't matter if they are on your own parts.


New member
Ok guys, it's been almost 3 weeks for the tank and 5-7 weeks since I painted my fenders.
How long should I wait before using something like Mcquires 1 step detailer or other such products on my bike? I painted it using ureathane paint. I park my bike at work and get all kinds of dust on it. I'd like to be able to use something to knock the dust off other than a dry microfiber cloth.
Anyone got an answer for me?
Thanks for any help.