First timer spraying candy paint

I took a few automotive paint classes several years ago, but I have never sprayed a candy paint. I have an opportunity to use a very nice booth to paint my motorcycle over the winter and I would like to paint it either a candy red, or at least a tri-stage red, but I'm not sure if I am skilled enough to do it correctly.

Those that have sprayed candies, how difficult is it? Should I really be that concerned?

Also, Is there any 2-stage red paint that looks similar to a candy? I'm looking for a nice pop of metalics and good depth.

Thanks in advance!


Candy is a little trickier than your normal enamels or basecoat/clearcoats.
The darker the metallic under the candy, the easier it is. If you use House of Kolors, you might want to try Cinder Red. This is a red metallic, so it makes it easier to put 'candy red' over it...versus using a silver or a gold metallic under the candy.

Try using the UK11 instead of the KK11. This way, you can actually see the depth easier. Once you get the UK11 to cover and get the 'rich' look, put your first coat of clear on fairly quickly. Then let it sit for about 5 minutes before applying the next couple of coats

Just remember your first couple coats of candy will look weird, so don't rush it. Let it sit about 3-5 minutes (depending on reducer you use and the weather).

I don't know of any basecoat/clearcoat that resembles candy.

I would use the Cinder Red and Candy Red...that should work out good for you

Post pics when you get it done!!
Good luck!


New member
ya, make sure you don't rush it, like craig said. if you get a run in the might as well start that pannel over.

w/ the uk i put a test pannel up. i shoot one coat on the test pannel, then i spray the tins. i go to the test pannel to do a touch test. i'll touch it like a clear coat, if the pannel is wet you have to wait, if it sticks to your fingers and strings, wait some more. when it is tacky, and not stringie, you are ready for your second coat. then, go back to the test pannel and shoot a second coat, then go to your tins for the second coat. after that repeat each finger test. it should take longer for this test w/ each coat you apply.

good luck, and don't be scared, everyone has to start on something!

Brian Dee

Super Moderator
good advise guys. A true candy can bite you big time. You have to be concerned with your ovelaps and getting what they call tiger stripes in it. So it can be tricky. But if you feel you want to go that way. Try what Hoss suggested. But you can use what they call a candy base or a candy mid coat. The only difference between the two is one is catalyized and one is not. They both are applied over a tinted metalic base,tinted to a similar final color. To the layman you can't tell the difference these two products and a true candy. Thay are so much easier to shoot than a true candy.and will make you look like an expert. I think what Scott is referring to is the UK by Hok, whick is the same as to what I'm refering to.
Xotic Colors is the same but they call it a candy mid or base coat. Hope this helps, not too confusing is it. Keep us informed,there's lot of guy's here to help you. Scott and Hoss know thier stuff.
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I believe the color that I have choose to use is UK11 by HoK. It is their apple red. I'll be painting it on a gold base. I'm hoping that because I am painting it on a motorcycle, it wont be quite as difficult as some of the horror stories that I've heard. A tank or motorcycle fender should be much easier than a large hood.


New member
motorcycle tank easier? yes and no....but you'll find out, you've just gotta do it. good luck and can't wait to see the pics.


motorcycle tank easier? yes and no....but you'll find out, you've just gotta do it. good luck and can't wait to see the pics.

You got that right!!!
If everything goes right...motorcycle parts seem like a piece of cake.
If not....well....


Looks great!!!
Looks a little chilly up there.

I'm sure you're looking forward to the riding season!
