Flame edge question



There have been several posts about doing simple pinstriping on flames by taping them out, spraying the pinstripe color, then laying out another line of tape along the original inside edge of the flames thereby masking off the pinstripe color.

How does this affect the edge on the pinstripe? One of the other questions I've seen a few times is how long to wait until pulling the tape so that the edge flows a bit and isn't so hard. Doing the pinstriping, you pretty much have to wait for the paint to set up a bit so you can tape on top of it. So when you finally pull the original tape, it won't flow at all. I haven't tried this method, so I'm speculating here.



New member
In this scenario you want to pull the tape after it's dried up some to get a crisp edge,pulling it wet works well if you'll be covering over the tapeline with something else.I'm not quite sure what you're asking with the first question.