Flame Painting


New member
I was wandering if anyone has ever tried painting flames by putting down a black basecoat then taping off the flames and painting them with a silver basecoat...Un-tapeing everything and covering it with a pearl color. With everything I have seen you get different shades of pearl useing different color basecoats so it seems to me that you would have flames in the same color pearl just a lighter shade. What do you guys think....???


New member
i would think the black would look sort of dusty and the pearl would disapear over the silver.hoss is rite you have to do a test.cyas


New member
How about black base, silver flame then candy.
That looks sweet.
I'm going to do black base.
Then a clear, black, and red pearl.
Then gold pearl flame.
Finished with a red candy.
I can see it in my head, I just hope it comes out that way.


New member
I think if you go back and read what I posted that is exactly what I am talking about thank you for your responce carsonschaos....


New member
I've been playing with some pearls lately. It seems the posabilities are endless. Maybe you could do a black base, mask your flames, and just lightly spray silver around the edge with your airbrush. Then unmask and shoot pearl. Wouldn't that leave ghost flames?


New member
Seems we're all on the same page.
When I spray the flames, they will be heavy on the
outside and fade into the base color using an airbrush.
They won't be ghost but they won't jump out at you. I'm hoping.
I'm going to spray my base, and spray a test panel.
Then use the test panel the do a few tests with gold and silver pearl and candy to see what I like best, before doing the flaming on the tank.
It sound easy but I always find a way to mess up.
Best of luck on yours.


New member
I sprayed a test panel several different times and I decided the best way to go is to spray my tins with a metalic silver base color. Then spray the Cold Blue Steel Candy. Mask it off and paint the flames lightly with Silver Hue Pearl. Unmask sand the edges to blend and spray a light coat of Blue Ghost Pearl, Then several coats of clear to top it off.


New member
Black Flames on Black

Hello All...

I haven't painted anything for a long time and want to start again. I have a project posed to me of which I am downright unsure of. Has anyone ever done black ghost flames on black base? I've heard of using pearls and candys but I'm curious about black on black. I think it would be very subtle for sure.



Harley had a paint job in which they sprayed all parts black, masked UP the flames, then added some pearl or metallic on the base color.
So I guess technically this would be black on black with the addition of the pearl.
If you did a straight solid black on solid black, really wouldn't see it at all


New member
Black Flames on Black

I think I'm understanding what you are saying about thes flames. A very lights dusting of maybe pearl Ice metallic at the location of the flames then black flame licks on top might give it the visual effect of black flames on black. Hmmm... I'll try this out on atest panel and see how it looks. The pearl ice might give the flames a little bit of underglow.




New member
Here's a pic of my HD, black base with xirillic crystal pearl and plain black flames. The pearl doesn't really show that well in the pics. looks more like a ultramini multi colored flake in the sun, pure black in the shade. People will walk past it 50 times before they see the flames. Just the way I want it.


  • P1010219.jpg
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New member
Black Flames on Black

Thanks for sharing the pic of your HD. I can see why most people will walk by and never notice the flames. That is about the effect I want to do. Very subtle, yet noticeable when you look. Now to give it a try.

Thanks again