


New boy here, love the site.. I am going to use a gold base with an outline (black) for my flames then candi red. Has anyone ever use a silver under candi red? Will the rest look ok with silver. I was going to use black or purple but I don't want the body dark candi and the flames look lighter. I want more of a blend, But alittle different in color. Does anyone think this will work?


New member
Sorry this is so late.What you can do is spray the whole thing silver,mask off the flames and spray them gold,then unmask and candy the whole thing,she'll look nice.Another option is instead of painting all the flamed area gold,spray the gold around the tape line so out in the middle of the flame is still silver,then candy it.That will give it a subtle look like ghosting but they'll still be clearly visible.


thanks rex, that sounds good to me. I guess i need to try some silver under candi red first because i have never seen it. I know how the gold will look. Thanks for your help.


New member
With a silver base it'll be the classic candy apple red,brighter and richer looking than the gold base.If it's too bright you can add some of the gold to the silver to darken it up a little.I think you'll like it though.