Flat black paint question


New member
I just painted my 67 dart flat black with Delfleet flat black by PPG. I painted it once with sherwin-williams basecoat black and was not happy with the shine so i repainted it flat black. My problem is that the paint turned out to be very uneven with spots that are alot shiner than others. It looks like there is more paint on these spots than the rest. The texture of the paint is cosistent along the whole car and it doesnt feel rough like it is overspray What could have caused this? too much paint or too close to the car? Is there anything i can do to even out the color? I am willing to try anything before i am forced to repaint it a third time. Thanks alot.


I'm not for sure on this one. Possibly you put the clear (or black) on too quickly before letting the previous coat flash good enough. Thus trapping the first coat from drying properly. The spots that are glossier could just be where you got it more heavy than others.
Or, did you put some coats on, then realized is wasn't getting flat enough so you added more flattening agent? I would think this would make it splotchy?

Not for sure how you would fix this without redoing it though.


New member
can we see some pictures? could it be that the flattening agent isn't mixed in enough? could it be you're using a reducer that is too fast and the particals are drying in the air? is it a texture thing or a shinny dull thing?


New member
This is a a single stage paint as far as i know. I added a hardener and an activator to the paint and that was all before i sprayed it. What it looks like is that i was either too close to the car or i was putting down too much paint in spots and it is causing it to have a gloss instead of being flat. Would sanding it with 2000 grit work? or would it leave alot of sanding scratches? I can try to post some pictures tomorrow when i go back to work.


That would be one way to get rid of the spots. You could 1500 the complete car, then take some 3000 Trizact DA paper over it. This gives it a nice consistent dull look. Not a 'true' flat paint job, but definitely beats redoing the car.
Try a test panel first before you do it on the car.


New member
no mater how much you shoot in a spot, i don't think it'd mess w/ the flatness of the overall, would it?

sanding might be a good idea, let us know how it turns out.


New member
So use 1500 on a long board? or wet sand with that? This 3000 Trizact DA is for an orbital sander? I forgot my camera today but ill get pictures as soon as i can