Ghost color suggestions?



I'm thinking about getting flames on my 1996 Laser Red Mustang. Should I get red pearl flames or silver. Does anybody have any other color suggestions??? Please help me decide.


Go to my tips section, look for the "Poor Man's Three Stage" post and you will find a 2 stage formula for E9. Use this as your flame color. Either lighten or darken depending on how deep of shade you have on your E9.
Since your's is a '96 E9, most likely it is a lighter shade so the formula should work great right from the mix it it is a lighter shade.

Only use "transparent" toners or pearl toner if you plan on changing the 2 stage formula. Using a non-transparent toner may "milk" it out.

You could also try the red pearl toner you mentioned. Be sure and use the "milky" looking red pearl toner and not the "red gold" looking red pearl toner.