Ghost Flames on Silver Metallic



I am wanting to paint black pearl ghost flames on a PPG silver metallic base. I tried last night and my Black came out to solid. Should I......

1. Over-reduce my HOK Black Pearl? If so, what ratio?


2. Mix the black pearl with the silver matallic base?? Never heard of anyone doing this, but curious as to how it would look.


3. Mix my HOK black pearl with PPG mixing clear?? If so, what ratio??

Thanks in advance for any tips you might have


New member
Mick, i would go with option #1 first insted of mixing 2 to 1, i would try 2 to 1 1/2 that should give the black pearl the transparent look. Option two would also work but you would probily loose some of the pearl effect and have to do some test panels to get so it was right for you.

Harley Cruiser

New member
I would choose option three, mixing with clear will give the black more of a translucent affect.
Thinning it with thinner will make the paint too thin, and affect the way it sprays, and the way it dries. This would help, but not the best solution.
Mixing the two colors will make a third color, charcoal.
Just my .02, and for your information I am not a pro, but a hobbyist.


New member
When spraying automotive paint through an air brush it has to be over reduced yes it sprays finner and more transparent ,but isnt that the reason for using an air brush in the first place (finer and more precise).and yes it dries almost instantly.using the third would be mixing systems which may not be compatible and cause head aches latter on. A intercoat clear within the same system insted of a mixing clear from a diffrent system would be better but would give the same effect of over reduction in the final result and adding a couple of drops of the base color to the black wont turn it charcoal but after sprayed on the base color it will give the black pearl a weaker effect, especially with silver metalic. this is why being able to tint colors is so helpful and spraying test panels helps a bunch also.


New member

Harley Cruiser

New member
Joe, (ezrider) you are absolutely right, I did not catch that they were two different systems.
Thanks for the feed back, I would rather be corrected than give out bad advice.
That is how we learn, by interacting with people with more knowledge than us.
Thanks Steve


did you ever paint anything with hoc black pearl before ??? its a very dark gray it may not be the effect your looking for and i have had problems mixing the two of them ppg and hoc