Ghost Stripes


New member
I repainting my 69 Camaro, Going with HOk black. Would like the rally stripes ghosted in a red. How do you go about this ? Would spraying Hok candy red straight over the black accomplish this. And could you control how visable the stripes are by how many coats of the candy ?
Any suggestions would be great .
Thanks in advance


This really depends on how subtle you want. The darker the metallic or pearl you put under the candy, the more subtle the stripes will stand out.

My suggestion would be to take some black and add some metallic to it so it's darker than the BC-03. Then add the candy over it.

Do a test panel first. If this is too dark, then add more metallic to the black and do another test panel.


New member
what about adding a little bit of flake to the Kandi and shooting the masked out stripe?

test pannel-test pannel-test pannel and then test pannel again