Hello and intro


New member
Hi to all,
Found your forum trying to solve a matt finish problem (more about that another time)
Anyway, a little background about us. We have a hobby bussiness doing custom motorcycle paint. My wonderful wife is an outstanding artist. She started airbrushing about a year ago and has become very good at it.I do all the automotive base coats and clear, then turn over the tins to Susan for art work. I have been painting cars and bikes as a hobby on and off for a long time. We are very fortunate to be able to work well together (I just do what she says :)
We are located in St Augustine Fl and have been here well over 20 years. I retire from my regular job in a few years and we will keep the hobby bussiness. We also both ride, so it make for a never ending stream of customers.
This seems like a friendly and helpful place I look foward to learning lots here. I will post some pics of our work at a latter time.