help with paint


New member
Hello and first thank you for any help u can give in advance and hope im posting in the right section. I am painting my bike fenders tank ferring and all in house of kolor uk black cherry. My question is after i lay my black base down im going to interclear it because im going to airbrush on the parts and need to know if i lay sg interclear over the black base how much time do i have to do my artwork and move on with the candy and top clear do i only have 24 hours to get the artwork complete and do the rest or do i have weeks to go over the interclear. Ty again sorry so long.


New member
Straight from the tech manual:

Typically, S2-SG100 does not require sanding or scuffing as long as it hasn’t sat more than 4 hours prior to top coating. In the event it will have to sit beyond 4 hours such as when performing artwork, it should be sanded. The S2-SG100 can be sanded after 1 hour dry time. Recommended grit is 500 wet or dry. You can also use a gray scuff pad..


Staff member
You may want a very nice flat surface to work with so you may want to either topcoat clear or interclear, then sand it smooth before airbrushing.
I guess you could even just do an extra coat of black while you are spraying black, then sand the black smooth. Bypassing any clear.
Sounds like you only want the airbrushing to have the candy black cherry look to it anyway and not the base color.


New member
Ty very much for the info and what im trying to accomplish is out of the bright sun a black bike and when sun hits it i want the graphics and spots to highlight the red candy am i on the right track with my procedure of black base interclears before graphics then candy lightly over everything then clearcoat to achieve that look?