Hi, first-time flame painter here...



Hi all, looks like a great forum.

I'm just taping up my first project...my Sportster tank and fenders. Black base, red/yellow flames (hopefully).

I have a question. I think it was on the AuotAir site I saw a tip that after you're taped off you should blow a light coat of the base color before applying the flame colors. The rational is to prevent any bleed under the tape.

Anybody use this technique? I don't want another step unless you guys think it's a good idea.

Thanks in advance.



New member
I think i read some where on this site, that you should shoot a clear coat first b/c the bottom color tends to fold over and show a line. If you use a clear then the clear will fold over and be invisible. I bet the base coat would work also. It would just make your flames smaller, and uneven where it didn't fold over, but i'm no expert.


I've tried everything to get an absolute nice edge using faded colors like yellow with orange highlights faded to red tips, but haven't found anything to work yet. I have tried to use interclear as the first coat so this would be the "fold edge" that would show on the edges against the black.
We always end up just retaping the flames and spraying the black. *alot* of extra work!!!
This is only if you do the fades without an outline around it. of course the outline will "kill" some of the edge, if not all of it.
If you do a simple yellow to orange to red fade, you can do the fade first, tape off of the flames, then shoot the black.


Thanks Scott. I'm gonna spray the flames solid yellow, shade the edges with red, and red tips. I think I'll wait and see gow it turns out before I decide whether to do anyhing else. It may be "good enough" for me as is.

I can't wait to get them painted and pull the tape - my favorite part of any paint job!
