Hi from Ontario


New member
Hi guys,

I am an Automotive painter from Ajax, Ontario new to the site. I belong to a few other boards, mostly autobody repair but also administer my own refinish website
I've just recently started to dabble a bit in custom work & look forward to the advice from the guys here.
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New member
Been a while since I visited, I finally picked up an airbrush and am ready to start dabbling a bit more. Should be around a bit more now..... I need to learn how to take my stick figures to the next level !


Welcome back to the CPF. As you can see, BIG changes to the forum since you last visited.

Fellow member Brian Dee is also from Canada.
You can see a few of his articles on the CPF home page (CMS page)



New member
Ya, place looks really good! I'll see about getting some vids up, I just don't know what is worth posting. I am a good production painter but when it comes to custom I don't have too much too offer, a few basics perhaps.

Brian Dee

Super Moderator
Hey another Canuck. Welcome to CPF. There lots of information here,and many will to help,so jump in and have fun. Yep custom painting is a little different, but sure is fun.