When PPG comes out with the new version of custom stuff HOK will probably still be way cheaper and user friendly,HOK is basically cheaper now compared to PPG and the other's normal line.We have the waterborne on the mixers now at PPG school but we won't see it for a while like Scott said,Cali is the testing ground for anything F'd up(which I don't really consider this scenario) but it takes quite a while to trickle down through the first few Commie states.I remember quite a few Cali people in other forums refering to the state as the "Republic of California',and history proves it so.I for one would never live there with the Fienstien regime still in office or ever go back to the state of NY after those idiots put Clinton's wife in office-WTF are these media brainwashed drones thinking?Actually,I think I can do a Jim Baker scam and not only make serious money but not pay taxes too,anyone want to join the Churck of Rex?For the measly price of $100 I can forgive you of your blasphemous sins of drinking,swearing and chasing women-I'll tell you any other lie you'd believe too for another $50 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/roflmao.gifOk,the rambling is over again....