HOK Clears


New member
Never used it but, read this. I think the UCF stands for Ultra clear final. Kind of a buffing clear. Not sure though. I think both can be used as a final. Also, I know I read something on here about people having problems with HOK clear and going to PPG. Now was that Bones again

Tech tips



New member
I dont think there are any problems with HOK clears. You can use either UC35 or UFC35 for your topcoat. According to the tech manual the UFC is an Ultra High Gloss Flow Clear. I used three coats of UC 35. Waited for it to cure (a few days) then wet sanded with 2000 wet and then shot three coats of UFC35. The idea is you sand the UC35 down flat so you dont have a tape edge, then flow the UFC over it to give you that high gloss finish. If you dont run it or get too many nibs in it, you wont need to wetsand and polish. It comes out looking very deep.



Not sure the difference either, I shot on the UFC-35 and wet sanded smooth and fixin to apply the UC-35 last then color sand and polish.Seems like I remember reading that the UC-35 was UV resistant and thats why I chose to put it on last,but as far as I know they both could be the same...


New member
UC ( urethane clear)35 is a high solids, thicker clear,nice for leveling out art work, which dosent buff too well. UFC ( urethane flow clear)35 is a medium solids clear or a flow out or final clear which dosent have a lot of build but buffs out a lot easier and has more gloss .