hok kbc vs. uk colors



I ordered hok uk 11 candy apple red and they sent me kbc 11 the candy basecoat. How is this going to change my paint job, if it will at all? if you've read any of my recent posts you'll know what I'm trying to achieve, so if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated, I'm supposed to be shooting it this sunday so the uk11 will never be here in time, so should I just go ahead with the kbc or should I wait to get the uk? Thanx /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/headbutt.gif


New member
mini i would spray it the kbc will give you almost the excact effect just less hassle.i love the kbc bases the uk is a little more transparent {very little} but you have to add the catalyst and reducer with the kbc its just reducer so less material and still get an outstanding effect.
but thats just my opinion for you spray the kbc youll like it


Thanx joker, the main thing I was worried about is the transparency, but you said theres not much of a difference, so I'm gonna go ahead and give it a shot. Thanx again