HOK Pearl Basecoat question!?!?


New member
I have recently switched over to the house of kolor line of paint and dont have a training place anywhere close so i am having to teach myself. My question is that i laid down house of kolor snow white pearl base coat and after the 3rd coat when i went to clear it was like the pearl had run or the pearls were sagging. What would cause that? Did i not allow enough flash time? If anyone could give me tips on how to spray this paint it would greatly be appreciated!!!


Staff member
Welcome to the custom paint forum.

Sounds like you just put it on too heavy. You didn't mention spraying white under it. You have to spray the BC26 white basecoat, then spray the snow white.
Possibly you forgot to paint the white and just tried covering everything with just the snow white.

It's really like painting any other tri-stage pearl white (white, pearl, then clear).

You'll probably need to reshoot it though.


New member
Thanks Taz and ya i did shoot BC26 under first but i think between it being cold here and laying it on to heavy i jes ran it lol. You live and learn like they say...And yes i do plan to re-shoot it jes thought i would check on here and see if mayb i did something wrong.


Staff member
Probably the cold had something to do with it. Never fun spraying in cold weather. Just go a little lighter on your coats. Be sure and use the RU-310 reducer in both the white and the pearl.


New member
So the PBC's are just pearls? I've only used the limetime over green maybe thats why I didnt have a problem, but I thought they were just a pearled base coat and didn't require an actual base.


Staff member
The PBC are pearl basecoats. You are supposed to spray white as the basecoat, but normally I spray a lighter gray under the PBC's (at least for the ones I have sprayed).