HOK Urethane Kandy Question?


New member
I live in kansas and the weather is cold and i am trying to spray the kandy tangerine but it takes forever for it lock up and not run like crazy. Any suggestions on wut i could do or add to help the flash time quicken up.


Staff member
All I know is use the RU310 and the UK100.
If you still run it using the above, you're probably applying to heavy of coats.
I dont' thing they have a faster reducer than the RU310, not for sure.


Taz is right, they dont' make a faster reducer. Be sure your shop temperature is high enough. I won't spray under 65*, especially with the multiple layers/high build of custom paints!


New member
with the weather at 18 degrees this morning, you'll need a heater in your shop to get it to atleast 55 degrees to have any success. also, keep your tins in the house till you are ready to shoot them. the heated tins will help flash times. don't lay it on too thick and keep an even sweep. and as soon as the top layer of the paint is dry enough to touch take it inside and let that puppy heat up in the house for 24 hrs or so.

i suggest to get a heater ;)


New member
It gets cold here too. I'll usually keep the parts indoors for the night before I spray. I heat up my "booth" to over about 90. Turn the heat off and start spraying. It usally stays warm enough over the time needed and that way I don't have to have the heat on and risk blowing crap on to the wet paint. After the last coat flashes off, I'll usually heat up my shop again for about 1/2 hour and then take indoors ;)


Staff member
Man, I love FL :bigokay: BUT it has gotten down to 38 at night which feels like 28 since it's a 'damp' wet cold.
Supposed to be in the 70's again this weekend ...he,he


New member
Just another suggestion. Keep your paint and your parts to be painted at the same temperature, which is to say keep them together. If you're painting bikes and you're bringing your parts in the house, bring your paint in the house too. If its a car out in the booth the night before put your paints out in the booth too. You don't want to shoot warm paint onto a cold surface anymore than you want to shoot cold paint on a warm surface. Oh, when I say paint I mean paint, catalyst, reducer, and anything else you plan to put in the cup.