House of kolor KBC candy question


New member
Hey everyone, I have a few questions regarding the house of Kolor KBC line, from what I've read up they are easier and more forgiving than actual KK candies, But how is the depth?? Im looking to do my 55 chevy KBC brandywine but I'm looking for the right basecoat to make it pop, I've seen they used gold and silver, black etc....but what about a metallic red basecoat than the brandywine KBC over it?? and if anyone would have pictures that would be great!



Staff member
Yes, you are correct. Only because the KBC has some pearl in it. So it is easier to apply and get even versus the KK or the UK.
If you've never sprayed a candy, check out US Paint. They have candies that are a basecoat/clearcoat type paint. You spray the base, clear it, and magically it will appear as a candy. You can find these candy colors on the Honda Goldwing motorcycles. Very easy to base, clear, and wetsand and buff. I've used US Paint quite a bit to match trike bodies to the front ends of the Goldwings.


Staff member
I would say they are very close as the richness and depth. Best of all the bc/cc type candies (us paint) are easier the spray.
You can check out any pics of Goldwings and take the color name and compare it to the "aftermarket colors" on the US Paint website.

The last one I sprayed (last week) happened to be a true tri-stage paint. This did not have the look of a HOK candy though. So some of them do have the depth and some of them do not. Just look for a color you like on a Goldwing. Do a Google "Image" search.


If it's depth you're looking for, nothing matches real candy. NOTHING. While other paints and effects can match the colors, as KBC does, and some pearl loaded 2 stage paints have a similar look, none of the base/clears will have the depth that real candy does, you cannot compare an opaque paint to a metallic base, with loads of coats of transparent color on top of it.
If you play around with paints, you might get an acceptable look, as in putting real candy over KBC, but it still isn't the same. Your idea about putting over a metallic red is similar, it will look better, but not as good as over a very "flake-y" base. But it IS easier to get even coverage.