house of kolor marbilizer


New member
hey guys i recently layed my bike down so i am about to repaint. i found the house of kolor marbilizer effect and i love it but i am wondering if you can achieve the same effect by using two colors of paint rather than spraying the marbilizer over the base coat?
you achieve the effect by laying saran wrap over the marbilizer and peeling off so i would think you could just lay down your first color, let it dry then spray the second color and use the saran wrap while its still wet. im just wondering if the marbilizer is really worth the $55 for a quart. any help would be greatly appreciated


New member
You can get a marble efect with just base but it is harder and less effective in my opinion. Marbelizer allows you a little more work time with the saran wrap before it tacks up too much to get the effect. I've seen normal base come right off with the saran wrap before. It's worth the small linvestment to me but each to their own. If money is the issue these guys have a nice little marbelizer that's a good bit less than HOKs and ALSAs: Try the neutral base with the copper red to green Kameleon pearl in it. It's sweet!