How do you do Marabalized paint jobs?



I am trying to do my first paint job on my scoot. I am wanting to do a black pearl base in a marbalized look then cnady blue mettalic flames over that. I think I have the flames piece down pretty good, but can't find anywhere that tells me how to do teh marbalized look...can anyone help me out with how to do this and suggest what house of kolor products to use??? Thanks for the help


New member
HOK marblizer. It comes in half a dozen different colors, and works best over dark colored basecoats. You spray it out of the can, give it a minute, wrap saran wrap over it, remove the saran wrap. I usually remove all my tapeouts too at this point, then spray SG100 (HOK intercoat clear) over the marblized areas (required) and onto the rest of the piece as well. It helps smooth out your "edge" some before spraying your topcoat clear.


Well I want the base coat to be a mettalic black. What color marbalizer do you reccomend I use for this...does house of Kolor sell it or do I need to look somewhere else? Also, can you explain the process a little bit more? Really appreciate the help.


New member
you can't do a black marblizer, that I am aware of. Most of the marblizers are silver, red, green, yellow, gold, blue, that kind of thing. They are intended to go over a dark colored basecoat. The lighter the color of the basecoat, the more invisible the marblizer becomes (not always, but in many instances this is true. it depends on what marblizer you are using over what basecoat) You could do a black base, with a silver marblizer. It will essentially look black with a silver marblized effect. A black base with a blue marblizer might look cool, then do the blue flames.
HOK sells the marblizer. There's not much more to it, really. Spray the basecolor. Do your tape outs or whatever, to expose the portions you want marblized. Spray the marblizer (no reducer or anything, you pour it right out of the can and spray it), then wait for about 60 seconds and lay saran wrap over it. Burnish lightly and quickly, and remove. You need to topcoat the marblizer with HOK SG100 intercoat clear, or it will all lift. I usually remove the tape, THEN spray the SG100, it helps smooth out the edges where the tape lines were. You need to play with amount of marblizer you put on the surface, as well as the amount of time you wait before you lay the saran wrap down. Too much marblizer with not enough "flash" time (+/- 60 seconds) will cause "runs" in the marblizer. Too little marblizer with too much dry time and you won't be able to get the marblized effect, and will have to re-wet it or worse, re-spray the base. heck, call me if you have Q's, 704-607-9153, 7am-10pm EST


New member
I believe it's possible to add HoK black dry pearl to Marbilizer Neutral over a color basecoat to come up with a black marbilizer...


HOK has a ne /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bigokay.gifutral marbelizer now that can be tinted any color.