Humidity and paint...


New member
hey guys I bring another question to you, and I am sorry if this has been discussed already...

but I am using a little shed for my paint booth, and here in Oregon we have a decent amount of rain, which means its fairly humid...

well is high humidity
a good thing or bad?...

I use spray paint for my base color- I dunno if that makes a difference...



New member
dry is best but with the newer paints you can get away with a lot more then in the old days.back then there was a danger of a bloom (white clowdy finish) forming on fresh paint.try to pick a warm dry day if you can.other wise try to warm the shed a bit with some kind of heater before you start and after you finish painting.good luck.cyas


New member
awesome, thank you-

I am already heating my shed, and I also thought that maybe I can mess with the humidity as well, I figured that I can always get the cheap little packs that de-humidify something...

but again, thank you. :cheers:


New member
ok, I just went out to check, I am painting at about 75 degrees (f) and the humidity is at 64%...

thats ok, right?... :ears:


New member
Sounds like your ok. Remember humity make urethane clears and base dry much faster. (even wetting down floor in summer heat) and air movent will also affect your conditions you may need to go to slower reducers if your humity goes higher . Dry conditions are easyer to control. my advise is paint in mid morning when temp is rising. This is easyer to control then at night when temputure is dropping ....good luck!


Looks like winter is right around the corner...
We'll for most of you :haha:

You'll notice that the humidity will make the clear look milky. This will go away when the clear dries.
Like mentioned though, if you have access to a heater, this will help you out!