I am painting a pair of saddle bags and...


New member
I have had the hardest time with them. First off they were cracked and I had to fix the fiberglass. The body work and primer went on great. I sprayed the first coat of paint and it separated in a few spots. I had to let it dry then sand it off and re-spray(pain in the southern region). I finally got to the cut and buff and it seems the paint isn't cured yet. How can you tell?

Thanks for letting me rant, I am going into my pocket on this because it was a favor for a friend and I can't tell him to give me more money for paint(sanded through in a couple of sopts!).


New member
what makes you think it is'nt cured ? .when you over heat clear it sometimes smears and looks that way.could that be whats wrong?.i've had that happen to me.maybe it needs a little longer to harden up because it was painted twice .a lot of guys sand and then wait till the next day to polish.the theory being that fresh clear has a sort of skin on it and when you sand and leave it over night the traped solvents can whik out.i feel for ya.good luck.cyas
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