Intercoat Clear

  • Thread starter Dave@Paintwerks
  • Start date


I have heard opinions on sanding intercoat clear and just shooting without sanding it. Some say because there is no catalyst that the next coat will bite into it. Obviously if you sand it you will insure a mechanical bond. I have not had problems either way. I don't go extremely out of my way to scuff some of the hard to reach areas like I do for initial prime and paint. I am interested to hear from all of you on this board as to what you do.

Have a great day



New member
Dave, i have been using House of Kolor for about 2 years now after i base coat i spray 1-2 coats of inter coat clear and right before any graphics i give a quick wipe down with a dry gray scotch pad, just for peace of mind. after all graphics are done i give a quick wipe down with a damp gray scotch pad, just for peace of mind once again and to get rid of those famous HOK tape marks and clean up any mistapes with 600 grit and then i pour on the clear. i havent had any adhesion problems yet


New member
I haven't used it alot but I just knock down any nibs and slide over the rest quick.As long as you get back on it within the recoat window you don't need to touch it.If it does go too long I scuff it like before and lightly wet grey scotchbrite it.If this seems too coarse after diong an inconspicuous spot the white scotchbrites are very fin,but they have soap in them so you have to be sure to get it all off.