intercoat on final clear


New member
i have a guy that wants a double flame layout, but he wants to keep his original color as the background. Can i scuff the factory clear, paint the first flame, intercoat clear the whole thing. Then add the second flame finishing it all off w/ a clear.

my worrie is, will the intercoat get a good enough bite on the factory clear? so that when i pull the tape up from the second flame, the intercoat clear won't come w/ the masking tape?

how long should i wait before adding the second graphic after intercoating.

Do most of you intercoat between double flames?


New member
If you have any doubt's just spray on a coat of adhesion promotor but I think you'll be just fine with a grey scuff pad or 600/800 wetsand paper. Depends on shop conditions for timing the second set but why not just wait till the next day if you have the time. And yes, I lock down every graphic step with clear.