Just Curious Scott or Rex?


New member
Why no email addys?? Most boards allow memebers to email freely between them.

Just wondered?



I think if you ask for someones e-mail Rex or Scott will hook you up. (I think I've seen it done once or twice) This is Scott's livelyhood and he doesn't allow other custom painting websites... to advertise on his "bill" - It's the strickest site I've ever visited, but also the best because of the rules he has put forth -- OK Scott - Can I add a link to my site now!!! LOL!!!!


New member
Yeah,that's it.This is actually part of the buisness site so it would be cutting his own throat to allow personal advertising or allowing emailing.There's quite a few people on here that are basically in the same buisness.I won't personally teach someone how to do this stuff but I have no problem sharing most of my knowledge with people to help them out for basically the same reason and a few more.I know what it's like to learn the hard way and figure if I can help out and save you a few bucks on a screwup that's a good thing.I had to learn most of this stuff on my own but did get a few tips here and there from a few people so I figure I owe at least the same to others.This stuff is nothing,try playing with a 4 digit gun to learn pistolsmithing
Luckily that was pretty easy to understand and I didn't ruin anything but a few cheap parts.Come to think of it I still have a $1500 pistol to finish building.You guys take up way too much of my time


New member
I guess I get it from looking at a business stand point from Scotts end. Thanks and I was just curious.



Thanks to all who replied...yes, that's the reason.

Keep in mind, customers also visit the Flames Board. If I let everyone have their email posted, or have another means of people contacting, I might as well make it a place for painters to drum business to themselves.
If I did this, I'm sure this site would get well known to come to find a painter to have their job done...

I just have this up so everyone has a place to share info on the Board. So reallisically, there should be no reason to contact each other since this is an informational board

This is how the business got started...with a section of my other site just offering info (I called it the "Flames How-To" section). I didn't even have an email address anyone could contact me.

So this is the reason why the Flames Board is still on this site...It's the way the biz got started.
